“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Sierra Larson ölelést küldött
Rafe Clyborne, Kiara Hernández, Freya Kensington, Lambert Schultz, Milo Salazar and Aster Kyrah Lakelin imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Daisy Winterberg, Bambi E. Douglas, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Tyra Greene, Sierra Larson and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Caesar Harlow, Tana Griswold, Eden Lennox, Ricky Simmons, Bambi E. Douglas, Emmalynn Larson and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Ricky Simmons, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández, Mirabella Jimenes, Ariel Hella Wright and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Peter Panborne, Lumienne J. Earshaw, Ricky Simmons, Levi Thatcher, Emmalynn Larson, Sierra Larson and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Peter Panborne, Lumienne J. Earshaw, Ricky Simmons, Levi Thatcher, Emmalynn Larson, Sierra Larson and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Ricky Simmons, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Mirabella Jimenes, Ariel Hella Wright, Marco Reilly and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Ricky Simmons, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández, Mirabella Jimenes and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Ricky Simmons, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Mirabella Jimenes, Ariel Hella Wright, Marco Reilly and imádják a posztod
remy_fellowes It's not easy love, but you've got friends you can trust Friends will be friends When you're in need of love they give you care and attention Friends will be friends When you're through with life and all hope is lost Hold out your hand 'cause friends will be friends Right till the end
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Ricky Simmons, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández, Mirabella Jimenes, Ariel Hella Wright and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Yasemin Miray Arslan, Ricky Simmons, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández, Mirabella Jimenes and imádják a posztod
Az eredeti posztot ITT találjátok Ricky-nél. Ez csak ilyen proud of you guys "regram".
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Tana Griswold, Ricky Simmons, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Mirabella Jimenes, Ariel Hella Wright, Marco Reilly and imádják a posztod
remy_fellowes Amikor te csak nagy naivan a zenéről szeretnél beszélni, de helyette olyanokat kérdeznek, hogy: - mi a kedvenc tiktok trended? - van most valakid? - kitől örökölted a hajad? megfoghatom? - milyen szupererőt szeretnél? - mi a lélekállatod? - WTF!!!???? #gloom #help
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Peter Panborne, Caesar Harlow, Ricky Simmons, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Yasemin Miray Arslan, Peter Panborne, Ricky Simmons, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Peter Panborne, Ricky Simmons, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández and imádják a posztod
korábban a saxomuch instával ezt már posztoltam, de mivel azt töröltem, így átkerül ide.
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Sophie L. Collins, Ricky Simmons, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Ariel Hella Wright, Marco Reilly, Magnolia Cleaver and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Ricky Simmons, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández, Ariel Hella Wright, Dahlia Sanders and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Ricky Simmons, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Ariel Hella Wright, Dahlia Sanders, Marco Reilly, Magnolia Cleaver and Freya Kensington imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Cassiopia Boschello, Kiara Hernández, Rosina Calloway, Ariel Hella Wright and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Rafe Clyborne, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Cassiopia Boschello, Kiara Hernández, Ariel Hella Wright and imádják a posztod
remy_fellowes De megnyugtatnék mindenkit! A vezetés a lehető legjobb kezekbe került. Hivatalosan is átadom a stafétát: Sok sikert kívánok Neked, Sierra! Találd meg a számításaidat és a boldogságodat azon a helyen. Jelentsen legalább Neked is annyit, mint amennyit nekem mindig is fog. #auntmaries #welcomeparty #themostbeautifulsmile
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Melody Sharp, Roman W. Hemlock, Rafe Clyborne, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Rafe Clyborne, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández, Mirabella Jimenes, Ariel Hella Wright, Marco Reilly and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Madelaine Lester-Riggs, Rafe Clyborne, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández, Mirabella Jimenes and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Madelaine Lester-Riggs, Melody Sharp, Rafe Clyborne, Ricky Simmons, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández and imádják a posztod
“Generally the best things in life are also the worst things in life. It’s just like how people’s best qualities are always their worst qualities. It’s also a little hard, too, but I’ll take it. In terms of hard things, the opportunities are worth it.” - J.K.
Madelaine Lester-Riggs, Rafe Clyborne, Emmalynn Larson, Jayda Winters, Sierra Larson, Kiara Hernández, Mirabella Jimenes and imádják a posztod